"Life is not about surviving the storm; it's about how you danced in the rain." ~ author unknown

Sep 5, 2009

Flight of the Hummingbird

“The bird of paradise alights only upon the hand that does not grasp.” ~ John Berry

We have a hummingbird feeder. I always thought, and still do, that hummingbirds are a magical kind of bird and that seeing one is a very rare occurrence. I always feel honored and privileged when one appears, seemingly out of nowhere, to hang in the air in front of me as if to say, “quick, look at me.” Well, yesterday I was blessed 4 times with the sight of this hummingbird that, now I guess I can say, visits us regularly. I must think of a name for him. Of course, I would think that there is more than one, right? Probably at least two – a “couple” I’d think. I do have a hummingbird book somewhere and will have to study them now and find out what I can online. This is a project for me now – a mission.

So, here is an accounting of those 4 sightings:

I was upstairs looking out the bathroom window into the backyard. (I’m looking – always, always looking.) Our hummingbird feeder is attached on a pole on the rail of the deck which extends about 4 feet up, above the rail. Anyway, I gaze out and there is the hummingbird, testing out each of the 4 fake flower things on the feeder. I watch. He (she?) doesn’t seem to like what we have to offer there and is gone within 6 seconds. (We need to change that red sugar stuff, I think, so he’ll stay longer next time.)

Next. I’m sitting at the kitchen table where we have 2 sets of sliders. One on the east side of the kitchen and one on the north side. They both open out onto our wrap around deck. The kitchen is huge, really, and very bright and open. I like to sit at the table there. So, I glance up and see a swoosh of something outside and although it doesn’t hover about this time, I know it is my hummingbird. This puts a smile on my face.

Later on, at the table again, I see my bird – this time hovering and checking out the rail. Poking around under the rail where the spindle meets the top. Is he looking for bugs? Do they eat bugs? Oh, I’m really going to look this up later. I feel badly because I had just, earlier, hosed off some of the spider webs there where little bugs were trapped. Oh dear! Sorry little bird. I didn’t know!

The last sighting of the day was back out at the feeder. I was at the kitchen window this time with another good view of my little friend. I guess he wanted to see if we had changed the stuff yet and was probably sorely disappointed. It’s on my “to do” list and I’d better hurry I guess. He was gone within a few seconds. I hope he comes back again. Please come back little bird. I will change the red stuff for you!

So – 4 sightings in one day! Very cool. Very, very cool!


  1. Hey Shaz,

    Very nice blog. I really love your writing style.

    BTW, hummingbirds do eat bugs. In fact, they eat more bugs than they drink nectar.

    Also, they don't care whether their sugar water is red or not. Especially if the feeder already has red on it. Do you make your own sugar water or do you buy pre-made stuff? It's pretty easy to make ... make a mixture of 1 part sugar to 4 parts water. Set it on the stove to boil. Don't boil the crap out of it, obviously ... after it starts to come to a boil remove it from the stove and let it cool before you fill the feeder. I usually put mine in the freezer for 45 minutes and that seems to be about right.

  2. Hey Bon -- thx for the nice comment and compliment! We get the pre-mix stuff but I guess I can make it myself. Thx for the tip. And I will stop spraying away the spider webs on my deck so the poor little birds can eat!
