“Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup, they slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe.” ~ Lennon/McCartney
Oh my goodness, people. Please don’t leave! I’m finding that these posts are just longer than I had intended them to be and I fear that you will all just look at the length and just say; “forget it, not gonna read it, too long. Can’t possibly read all this during the next commercial.” Please hang in there with me. I promise to keep them shorter!
Here’s the thing. When I first mulled over the idea of doing a blog, I thought;
“What will I write about? What do I have to offer? Why would anyone want to read my blog? Will I have enough “material”? Who do I think I am anyway?” You get the idea. I had my doubts. Not that I think anyone is actually out there reading – ok, maybe just one person, but that’s unconfirmed. For all I know these words are just slipping away into cyber space – across the universe – unread. But that’s ok. I’m feeling better already just having written them down.
Anyway – the point is, once I decided I was going to do this, my thoughts meandered "like a restless wind inside a letterbox,” and I couldn’t make it stop. All these years of having conversations in my head - with various friends whom I so rarely see because I wanted to just share things with them – just started flowing out and I started to write down my ideas for the various posts.
So, I will try to make them shorter and to the point. I mean, I don’t need to write a long story about everything, now do I? Like, take tomorrow’s post – already written, well, in my head anyway. Just short and sweet. A very small paragraph. Probably only 5 sentences and no “story” to it – just an observation that made my day.
Please be patient. Give me a chance! Keep reading! Write a comment! Y'all come back now! (all 1 of you) Have a nice day - really!
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